Improve your mood with the colors of these crazy tall cups! Capture your guests' attention with their unique shape - see how distinctive they are and how they add a new touch to hospitality! There's sky blue to soothe the soul, there's sun yellow to brighten the mood, there's transparent for purity, and there's red to create a pleasant atmosphere. Take all the colors and express yourself with every sip - the important thing is to stand out and enjoy! And don't forget, beneath each cup, you'll find a "Medusa" head carved with high craftsmanship - let your drink be a bit legendary! Collect the entire set and make life a song of colors and shapes. Remember, elegance is in the details!
Each piece in this set resembles a jewel radiating on your table. Its shape is like a luxurious palace dome, crowned from beneath by the mythical head of "Medusa", just as she used to guard her precious treasures. Watch your guests as they hold these luxurious cups in their hands, admiring their intricate decorations and the sparkle of the glass dancing with the light before sipping their malt beverage or cocktail. In short, it makes you feel like you're offering them a luxurious drink even if it's just water! It will open doors to a world of elegance and luxury before them. And believe me, with every sip, they'll wish the evening never ends! Moreover, the set is diverse, including water glasses, juice and cocktail glasses, each providing a unique ambiance for the beverage it holds. Be the king of your table, choose "Medusa Lumière" from "Versace", and let light and beauty adorn your life.كوبين طويلين بلون شفاف "ميدوسا لوميير" - كل قطعة بهذه المجموعة بتشبه جوهرة تشعّ على طاولتك. شكلها مسدّس زيّ ما تِسْوِي قبة قصر فاخر، وتِتَوَّج من تحت برأس"ميدوسا" الأسطوري، زيّ ما كانت تحرس كنوزها الثمينة. شوف ضيوفك وهم يمسكون بهذه الكؤوس الفخمة بين أيديهم، يتأملون بزخارفها المُتقنة وبريق الزجاج اللي يرقص مع الضوء قبل احتساء مشروب الشعير أو الكوكتيل. باختصار، بتحسسك إنك بتقدّم لهم مشروب فاخر حتى لو كان بس موية! راح تِفْتَتِحْ أمامهم أبواب عالم من الأناقة والفخامة. وصدقني، مع كل رشفة، راح يتمنّون لو أن السهرة ما تخلص أبدًا! فوق ما ذكرته، المجموعة متنوعة فيها كؤوس مياه، عصير وكوكتيلات، وكل وحدة بتعطي جو خاص للمشروب اللي فيها. خليك ملك طاولتك، اختار "ميدوسا لوميير" من "فيرساتشي"، وخل الضوء والجمال يزينوا حياتك.
Primary Material: Crystal
Height: 7 cm
Width: 19 cm
Length: 19 cm
Capacity: 270 ml
Key Features
Made In Germany
The striking centerpiece of Medusa glass collection is the iconic head of medusa.
Packaged in a luxurious Versace x Rosenthal gift box